Version 7.20.25055 Added the ability to reprocess notes with ShadowScribe augmented content (dependent on feature enablement). Resolved copy/paste issues where copied text was not pasting correctly, including in the Find window, external applications, and the Editor after split dictation or template insertion. Fixed an issue where InScribe would shut down after a session timeout.
Version 7.19.24346 QA Feedback opens in MS Edge browser, Find/Replace issues resolved, removed "rhythmn" from eSOne dictionaries.
Version 7.18.24298 Introduced prevention of copy/paste from InScribe to external applications (dependent on InCommand setting).
Version 7.17.24264 New Associate Format in Insert Associate function. Updated eSOne dictionaries. Resolved issue preventing pasting in user fields after pasting in transcription body.
Version 7.15.24136 Resolved space/insert issue with higher editor zoom levels and lost capitalization of a new paragraph when the period is removed from the prior sentence.
Version 7.15.23268 Added 'Digital Signature' to avoid false positives from anti-virus software.
Version 7.14.23263 Resolved issues with capitalization after Shift+Enter.
Version 7.13.23100 Added 'Transcription ID' search filter to the Prior Transcriptions window.
Version 7.12.23068 Added 'Original Demographics' under View tab to preview original downloaded demographics information.
Version 7.11.23045 Increased the playback volume in the InScribe Advanced Audio Player. Fixed an issue with words in the user’s custom dictionary files being flagged as misspelled. Corrected the spelling of the words ‘nitro-patch’, 'cannula’, ‘weight-bear’. Removed words from the dictionary so they will be flagged as misspelled: ‘circ’, ‘fluorescin’, ‘Hagar’, ‘Hager, ‘lefthand’, ‘moreso’, ‘nitropatch’, ‘righthand’, ‘righthanded’, ‘shortlived’, ‘weightbear’, ‘hyperhydrosis'.
Version 7.10.22300 Resolved an issue that was preventing users from toggling between Insert and Overwrite while editing. Removed the following incorrect spelling from the default dictionaries: trigcylcerides. Added the word takotsubo(lowercase) to the dictionaries. Resolved issue with MT Note not being displayed on change of Dictator/DocumentType/Location. Resolved issue with MT Note not being focused when a dictation template is inserted. Resolved an issue with InScribe not displaying text that was highlighted when ratings error was created. Removed the IE version from the ‘About InScribe’ window.
Version 7.9.22137 Resolved an issue with the cursor not being focused in the ‘Text to find’ box when using Find/Replace. Fixed an issue with InScribe crashing when deleting space above a table. The size of numerous user setup fields has been increased to accommodate customer needs. Removed the following incorrect spelling from the default dictionaries: Epididymes. Fixed an issue that was causing the Advanced Audio player (Options > Advanced) to throw an error when the playback speed was set to 75%.
Version 7.8.22076 Resolved an issue with double-click/hold not expanding the selection in the editor. Resolved an issue with ‘Preview Transcription’ incorrectly displaying numbered lists when ‘Restart at 1’ was applied. Fixed the misspelling of ‘ketoconazole’ in the InScribe dictionary. The default MT QT setting will now be used to determine if QT line counts will be displayed in the Transcription Log.
Version 7.7.21234 Resolved a crash issue with tables containing QT text. Enhanced the performance of the Clinician and Additional Authenticator list boxes. Resolved an issue with QA ratings being marked as feedback only.
Version 7.6.21200 Enhanced performance and search box for Clinician and Additional Authenticator list boxes. Added option to disable spell check on job completion. Added support for Dictation Time[template field]. Removed the now invalid “Register with BenchMark KB” link from the Options > General screen. Resolved an issue with a comma not being replaced with a period when the comma followed a number.
Version 7.5.21112 Enhanced performance of Clinician and additional authenticator list box for large clients. Added expanded text in AutoText searches. Resolved issue with Tab behavior in tables. Resolved issue with incorrect dictation length displaying in pool. Resolved issue with Ctrl+Arrow navigation. Resolved issue with comma not being replaced when semicolon is inserted before it. Resolved issue with non-breaking spaces following special characters in tables. Resolved issue with Toggle Case on word following QT. Resolved issue with Move Playback to Cursor when editor is zoomed at 125% or higher. Added keyboard Application key support in the editor.
Version 7.4.21005 Enhanced Transcription Log window. Resolved copy/paste issues in list. Resolved job upload issue when the next job fails to load. Resolved issue with text from prior transcription being copied with justified format. Renamed Company Name label to Business Name in Associate Details window. Corrected the status message for repooled/invalidated job when the next job fails to load.
Version 7.3.20294 Added support for Waveform control. Changed dictation details keyboard jump key assignment to Q. Decreased number of lines scrolled when using mouse wheel. Deprecated external media player. Enforced read-only fields in demographics. Enhanced pool window. Resolved issue with company field in associate and patient addresses not adhering to configuration setting. Resolved issue with cursor and demographics not being visible when the editor is maximized and patient demographic keyboard shortcuts are used. Resolved issue with dictation playback not starting at designated time stamp when a time stamp is first in a list item. Resolved issue with document type changing when appended, irrespective of configuration settings. Resolved issue with first letter of AutoText expansions automatically capitalizing. Resolved issue with font changing after splitting a transcription. Resolved issue with multiple patient associates not being retained upon upload. Resolved issue with prior transcription dictation playback not stopping when when Prior Transcriptions list is refreshed. Resolved issue with spell check stuck on Ignored words. Resolved issue with structured jobs not being completed when alternate time stamp format is enabled. Resolved issue with table losing properties when loading document and dictation templates. Resolved issue with table widths being inaccurately represented in editor and preview transcription. Resolved issue with the table being copied when copying table text from prior transcription. Resolved job upload issue during next action if next job fails to load. Resolved spacing and formatting issues in lists. Updated 2020 Stedman's Dictionary (requires a Benchmark KB subscription). Updated Copy Dictation and Copy Dictation and Header window titles and button texts for clarification. Updated Preview Transcription to match the spacing in the editor.
Version 7.3.20086 Added support for WAV playback in InScribe. Added Time code validation checks in InScribe. Added shortcut tip on Ratings tab. Added support for cut, copy and paste shortcut keys in the comment box. Resolved issue with spell check stuck on words in a list. Resolved issue with the table being copied when copying table text in unstructured documents. Resolved issue inaccurate dictation time stamps after one hour mark. Resolved issues with tab key not working in CC panel and related fields. Resolved issue with auto capitalization when deleting or replacing a highlighted period. Resolved indentation formatting issues within document templates. Resolved issues with numbering in nested lists. Resolved issue with list items being deleted when using Backspace. Removed duplicate CTRL+E shortcut for ASR Enhanced shortcuts. Fixed issues related to Prior Transcriptions.
Version 7.2.20007 Introduced new login page. Introduced skip silence feature. Added button to Data tab and shortcut key to insert associate data into transcription text. Added keyboard shortcut support for prior dictation playback. Added support for the Australia region. Resolved paragraph, lists and table formatting issues. Resolved cursor focus issues. Resolved issue with failure to restore AutoText files. Resolved spacing differences in Preview. Resolved issue with "Can Print Tran" setting not being honored.
Version 7.1.19260 Enhanced Prior Transcriptions window to allow viewing multiple priors at once. Added ability to listen to dictations for prior transcriptions. Updated dictionaries. Added keyboard shortcut import / export feature to allow customization of keyboard shortcuts. Resolved issues with Ctrl + Arrow key navigation. Resolved issues with formatting in template fields and copied text from prior transcriptions. Resolved issues with Continue / Set Numbering.
Version 7.0.19205 Resolved issue with invalid Benchmark KB credentials being saved. Resolved issue with spell check getting stuck between two words. Resolved issue with incorrect cursor placement after auto capitalization. Resolved issue with Benchmark KB associate search not returning results. Resolved issue with cursor not moving to next field upon F1 key press. Resolved issue with QT text highlighting being removed when navigating document. Resolved issue with not being able to insert dictation templates with tables.
Version 7.0.19176 Added option to skip flagged words in spell checker. Resolved issue with spell checker "Change All" option removing flag for all misspelled words. Resolved issue with disabled table borders appearing in editor and delivered document.
Version 7.0.19149 Enhanced experience when editing structured documents. Command shortcuts can be added to the ribbon menu. Users can assign ShadowScribe section actions to function keys. Users can specify specialty when searching for associates. MT notes are displayed before visit selection window appears. Dictation template window displays a preview of the dictation template.
Version 6.16.19060 Updated user interface. Added support for new regions.
Version 6.15.18212 Resolved issue with AutoText deleting text.
Version 6.14.18191 Resolved issue with login failing on Windows Server 2008 and 2016.
Version 6.13.18163.28298 Added TLS 1.2 support for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
Version 6.12.18141.26330 Updated installer to inform user that .NET Framework 4.7 is required.
Version 6.11.18130.25037 Supports workstation policy enforcement. Resolved issue with AutoText deleting text.
Version 6.10.18078.23929 Added ability to verify email address. Resolved issue with login failing due to spaces in username or company code.
Version 6.9.18036.21569 Added ability to edit MT email address. Resolved issue with forgot password link.
Version 6.8.18009.17133 Resolved issue with manually assigned jobs being automatically checked in. Resolved issue with appointment data not clearing when changing orders. Resolved issue with DOB not saving without tabbing out of field. Resolved issue with InScribe crashing when converting Daylight Savings Time. Resolved issue with incorrect number of jobs downloading. Resolved issue with training files not loading when date separator is a decimal. Resolved issue with dictation time stamp not placed in comments in split dictations. Added playback volume shortcuts (Ctrl+Shift+8 and Ctrl+Shift+9). Added Patient Age to demographics (requires configuration). Enhanced shortcuts viewer to allow filtering and view only favorites. Expanded UK Dictionary. Added native support for TLS 1.2.
Version 6.7.17171.21975 Resolved issue with blank Print Preview after Windows updates.
Version 6.7.16342.19464 Resolved issue with original default demographic labels not being used. Resolved issue with disabled table editing buttons. Resolved issue with transcription text being deleted upon print preview. Resolved issue with InScribe crashing due to lost focus. Resolved issue with prompts for fields. Resolved issue with associate type setting. Resolved issue with date dictated and admit/discharge date time zone conversions. Resolved issue with the cursor not moving on Enter key press. Resolved issue with auto-CCs only being added to first job. Added better visibility to selected list items that are not in focus. Added more medical words to the default dictionaries.